Jesus was Forsaken and Died for Us

Mar 14, 2024

Mark 15:33-47


Jesus was Forsaken and Died for Us

Mark 15:33-47, Key Verse: 15:34

And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’).”

  1. What happened from noon to three in the afternoon (25,33)? What does the darkness signify (Am 8:9-10)? As he was dying, what did Jesus cry out (34; Ps 22:1)? What do Jesus’ words “My God,” and “forsaken” tell us about him? How is this suffering related to us (Isa 59:2; 2Cor 5:21)?
  2. How did some of those near Jesus misunderstand his cry (35-36)? At the moment Jesus died, what happened (37-38)? What does the torn curtain indicate (Heb 10:19-20)?
  3. What role did the centurion have in Jesus’ crucifixion and death (39a,44)? What did he see and confess (39b)? Why is his testimony so meaningful then and now (Mk 1:1)?
  4. Who also watched Jesus die (40)? How had they served Jesus (41)? Why was their presence so important that Mark mentioned their names repeatedly (47; 16:1)?
  5. Who was Joseph and what motivated him to boldly ask Pilate for Jesus’ body (42-43)? How did Pilate confirm Jesus’ death and why is this important (44-45)? What is the significance of Jesus’ burial (46; Isa 53:9; 1Co 15:4a)? What does it mean that Jesus was forsaken and died for us (Dt 31:8)?



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